Thursday, May 24, 2007

What Makes LifePoint a Great Place to Be

We had a great Community Group Leader's Meeting tonight. The topic of my skill improvement was, "Selecting Curriculum Made Simple". It was a real beneficial and productive night. After getting good feedback and encouragement (when I got home I recieved an email from a leader who wasn't there. If I told you the contents it would come off like I was bragging, it was that encouraging), I got to thinking about what an amazing place this is to be. So, here goes some of my observations...feel free to add your own.

·Jesus is the Head, He is supreme
·Joe Duke
·Dave Baldwin
·Lance Burch
·Jason Fullen
·Jodie Zorbaugh
·Our awesome Community Group Leaders
·Amazing worship team
·Passionate and loyal team of volunteers
·Incredible children’s ministry, from the Garden to Breakaway
·Make me want to build a time machine so I can be a teen again student ministry; I mean that. (I wish I had Lance and Jason building into my life when I was a student. On the flip side, I do get the benefit of them building into my life now--that's a good deal.)
·Fantastic elders (they didn’t pay me to say that; well, I guess they sort of do)
·We value C.A.R.E
·Influencing people to find and follow Jesus
·Super hot girl on the worship team
·Andrew Harrison on the drums
·The people who are LifePoint Church

I asked Melody this question, she said “Uh, a million things.”

I agree.


Lou said...

- Real People
- I too wish I could go back and go through LPC childrens and student ministries
- Jen Sabad, BA Leader
- Lance, Jason, Jodie
- the worship team
- the Workmans (Adam and Melody) evne though they are Eagles fans (no one can be perfect)
- the Turbo-Hottie that runs Breakaway ministry

Jason Fullen said...

Dude, It's August - Blog already!

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