Monday, March 12, 2007

The Wonder of Elijah

I love to see the wonder of Elijah, my son. I wish I had more of it. With giant eyes and a determined spirit he says, “Daddy, can we touch the moon?” Wow. I can’t bring myself to say no. I want his wonder. I want his simple belief. I want to see the moon as he sees it, as something that makes my eyes wide and my heart race. He’s not content to view it from a distance; he wants to experience it, to embrace it. Elijah has helped me to appreciate things I’ve taken for granted. He’s taught me more about myself in three years than I would have learned on my own in a lifetime. I want to marvel at the marvelous. I want the wonder of Elijah.


Jason Fullen said...

How cool is this? You are blogging! Yeah Adam! However, I think you may have waited too long. Everyone is quitting blogs. All my Texas friends are deleting theirs, and so am I. It's over. It was cool for a good long run, but you waited just too long to join.

Tell you what, I'll keep my blog one more week just for you.

BTW, good insight about Elijah, and I'm glad you couldn't tell him no about the moon.

Adam Workman said...

You would do that, keep your blog another week, just for me? That's touching bro, and I mean that.

I figured now that I've joined in this whole blogging thing would really take off. I think you may want to rethink your departure.

Lou said...

What? Adam starts blogging and Jason quits???? That is just not right

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